Admissions Bloggers

Meet the Bloggers!

man with brown hair smiling near a body of water

Will Hassell ’25

Will’s (he/him/his) favorite thing about Carleton is the amount of open space that the campus has, as it is a good reprieve from stress. He has seen the movie The Princess Bride at least 20 times, and can recite large portions of it! Outside of the classroom, Will is a member of CHOP, one of Carleton’s D3 ultimate frisbee teams, and is a member of disc golf club and board game club.

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women taking a selfie while holding popcorn

Katelyn Harder ’26

Katelyn (she/her) is a junior at Carleton from Las Vegas, Nevada and a psychology major with minors in cognitive science and german. She is a proud first generation student who loves to participate in all things happening around campus. She is involved with Carleton’s student-run first-gen organization 1Gen, KRLX, and Babyteeth. When she is not in the gym playing volleyball or lifting (super heavy) weights, she can be found hanging out with her friends or in the small park next to the Weitz, specifically on the east-most swing.

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Yahnee Acklin ’25

Yahnee (she/her/hers) loves Carleton for its small-town location in Northfield; it’s the complete opposite of Philadelphia which she calls home! Yahnee’s favorite place on campus is Anderson Hall, home to a cafe, great study spaces, and many of the science departments. A fun fact about her is that she is the only Africana Studies major in her class year.

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Quinn Headshot

Quinn Lee O'Halloran ’25

Quinn (she/her/hers) is an American Studies Major and Chinese Minor. Quinn has deep love of the Carleton community; she says she is so lucky to be surrounded by such brilliant and kind people. Quinn is an active member of student-run radio station KRLX, the orchestra, equestrian club, and the music department! Following her love of music and radio, her favorite place on campus is the record library. And finally, a fun fact about Quinn is that her family helped to found the Minneapolis St. Patrick’s Day Parade!

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women smiles with sunset in the background

Holly Lake ’25

If Holly (she/her/hers) was a place on campus, she would be the bench in the upper arb that overlooks Bell Field. During the school year, Holly “slays” on the dance floor as the director of the Synchrony II dance troupe, is a member of Project Friendship, a theater stage manager, and works in the Alumni Relations Office! A fun fact about her is that she has triple citizenship with the US, UK, and Ireland.

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Harrison Redfern ’26

Harrison (he/him/his) stays busy at Carleton! He is a captain of the club water polo team, plays both IM basketball and broomball, and participates in activities hosted by the German and physics departments. He loves the atmosphere of Carleton in that its students are focused on academics but they don’t let it get in the way of fun.

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